Archive | August, 2014

Levi’s Leaps

18 Aug

This summer, I’ve had three big goals for Levi (funny, because I’m not even a goal-oriented person…).
1. Potty-training. Wanted him trained before school started again.  (Nope, no pics to share 🙂
2. Make the switch to a big-boy bed from a crib.

3. Make progress in his ability to chew food – a skill most humans take for granted.  Check out these “Oooo” lips!


I am so grateful to God that all three of these goals have been accomplished!  He is a brave little guy and faces most challenges pretty much head on.  Even when he struggles, you can tell that he wants to try.  I just love this boy!  I also love that his challenges become my challenges – challenges that we seek to overcome in the strength and wisdom of God, not in our own strength.  When we are weak, He is strong.  His ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts.  He gives and He takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!

The End Is Drawing Near…

15 Aug

Oh, how can it be?!  Summer is drawing to a close way too quickly!  In two weeks it will be time for Levi to return to preschool and for Zachary and Madeline to hit the books once again!  My work space right now is a bit, well, messy!  IMG_5693I am trying to finalize curriculum choices for the upcoming year and beginning to get schedules and binders up and ready to go.  This is not a strength for me (which is why I am blogging rather than working 🙂 )  My mind is often scattered and thinking of all of the OTHER things I need to be doing and worrying about whether or not home schooling is really working for our family and if I’ve selected the right curriculum that will reach my child(ren) giving their individual learning style(s).  (Breathe!!)  It can totally be overwhelming, YET it is always totally rewarding!!  I recently came across a quote about homeschooling that I really like:

“We do not homeschool to avoid wicked people. We homeschool so we wicked people can talk all day about the one Man who wasn’t wicked.”  ~R.C. Sproul, Jr.

THIS is one of the main privileges of homeschooling!  So, I shall keep on keeping on in my prep!  It is well worth the moments of agony!  (One day I’ll have my prep done in June, like my friend Barbara!  Until then…)

While I am procrastinating, I’ll leave you with a few summer pics that make me smile.  We have been having A. Great. Summer. :