Happy Moon Festival!

2 Oct

Don’t let me fool you.  As of Saturday at 8:15pm, I knew nothing about the Chinese Moon Festival.  That was when my friend, Catherine, who has adopted four Chinese girls, invited our family to join their family Sunday evening for Moon Festival.  She had to spoon feed me every detail of what she was talking about because I truly had never heard of Moon Festival before, except for the email she sent me a month prior letting me know that it would be on September 30th.  Unfortunately, we were unable to join her family for the celebration.  However, at church the next morning, her cheerful daughter brought me the above moon cake, declaring “Happy Moon Festival!”  So very sweet and thoughtful!

So, since we at least had a brief introduction to the Moon Festival the night before via Catherine’s explanation, after dinner the kids and Tom went outside to play flashlight tag and I got out the moon cake and gave it a mini taste – and I do mean a mini taste.  It definitely doesn’t make it on my top 10 desserts list.  That was when we realized that our Chinese neighbors were outside having a party in their backyard.  They were celebrating Moon Festival!  I felt so intelligent!  Thanks, Catherine!  This adoptive mom needs a TON of cultural education!

“From one New Moon to another…all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord.  ~ Isaiah 66:23

One Response to “Happy Moon Festival!”

  1. Heather L. October 3, 2012 at 2:49 am #

    I totally agree, moon cake would not make my top dessert list either. But, it’s so great to learn about the rich tradition and culture of festivals such as this, isn’t it? And, GREAT bible reference – LOVE it!!!!

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