Update On Our Adoption Process

5 Oct

Lately, a lot more people have been asking me, “When do you expect to travel to China?”  Well, there is never a clear-cut answer to that question as it pertains to international adoption.  Here is a flow chart of all that remains to be done before we can travel to China to pick up Levi (not that I expect you to understand all the jargon!):

We are still waiting for our RA, which is the final approval from the Chinese gov’t for us to adopt Levi.  Once we get it, we’ll be showing off his cute little pictures on this blog!  Today, our family coordinator at AWAA affirmed our estimation that we should be able to travel to China in January (possibly February)!  With the holidays quickly approaching, and with me directing our home school Christmas musical between now and then, the time is sure to fly!  May it be so!  We cannot wait to meet Levi and bring him home!

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  ~Psalm 16:6

2 Responses to “Update On Our Adoption Process”

  1. Marianne Linn October 5, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

    Praying for that approval!

    • mellichowski October 5, 2012 at 7:06 pm #

      Thank you for all of your prayers, Marianne. They are very meaningful. More importantly, the God of the universe hears them and answers!!

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